Simplified accounting in Poland

Simplified accounting for business in Poland includes three basic forms:

  • Tax card is available only for some entrepreneurs. It consists of monthly deduction of a certain amount of income depending on a number of factors: the type of activity, the size of the city in which it is conducted or the number of employees. After compiling all these variables, the office tells us the exact amount of tax that needs to be paid.
  • Flat rate, which entails certain limits, consists in paying a tax directly linked to the revenue. Despite much lower interest rates, this method completely neglects the costs, so it may be less beneficial. It is easy to imagine a scenario in which the tax charged will be higher than the revenue in a given month.
  • Income and expense book, which is the most popular way to pay taxes. On the basis of the sum of revenues and expenses, the due tax is calculated from the deduction. The level of income is important here, as it regulates the tax rate, but this is not paid if the company does not make a profit.

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