District chambers of advisors(lawyers) in Poland

List of district chambers of legal advisors(lawyers) in Poland:
1) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Bialymstok
Przejazd 2A str.
15-430 Białystok
2) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Bydgoszcz
Gdańska 68/6 str.
85-021 Bydgoszcz
3) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Gdansk
Nowe Ogrody 35 str.
80-803 Gdańsk
4) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Katowice
Kościuszki 223c str.
40-600 Katowice
5) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Kielce
Przecznica 6 lok. 4 str.
25-513 Kielce
6) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Koszalin
Jedności 5 str.
75-401 Koszalin
7) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Krakow
Francesco Nullo 8/4 str.
31-543 Kraków
8) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Lublin
Wallenroda 2E str.
20-607 Lublin
9) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Lodz
Tylna 14 str.
90-324 Łódź
10) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Olsztyn
Kopernika 10 str.
10-511 Olsztyn
11) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Opole
Krakowska 26 Oficyna str.
45-075 Opole
12) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in w Poznan
Chwaliszewo 69 str.
61-105 Poznań
13) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Rzeszow
K. Hoffmanowej 8 str.
35-016 Rzeszów
14) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in w Szczecin
Gen. Rayskiego nr 23/3 str.
70-442 Szczecin
15) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Torun
Chełmińska 16 str.
87-100 Toruń
16) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Walbrzych
Dmowskiego 20 str.
58-300 Wałbrzych
17) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Warszawa
Żytnia 15 lok. 16 str.
01-014 Warszawa
18) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Wroclaw
Włodkowica 8 str.
50-072 Wrocław
19) District Chamber of Legal Advisors in w Zielona Gorze
ks. Piotra Skargi 10 str.
65-416 Zielona Góra

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