Self-government of legal advisors(lawyers) in Poland

Legal advisors(lawyers) in Poland are organized on the basis of a professional self-government. The self-governed organizational units have legal personality and are divided into regional chambers of legal advisors(lawyers) in Poland and the National Chamber of Legal Advisors. The self-government of legal advisor(lawyers) in Poland is independent in the execution of its tasks and is subject only to the law.
Membership in the self-government is mandatory.

Tasks of self-government of legal advisors(lawyers) in Poland

The tasks of the self-government of legal advisor(lawyers) in Poland are in particular:

1) participation in providing conditions for the execution of statutory duties of legal advisers(lawyers) in Poland;

2) representation of legal advisors(lawyers) in Poland and protection of their professional interests;

3) cooperation in shaping and applying the law;

4) preparation of legal advisors(lawyers) in Poland to work as a lawyers and professional development of the profession;

5) overseeing the proper conduct of the profession by legal advisors(lawyers) in Poland;

6) conducting research on the functioning of legal aid.


The self-government's bodies are: National Congress of Legal Advisors, National Council of Legal Advisors, Higher Supervisory Board, Higher Disciplinary Court, Assembly of Regional District Advisors, District Advisor Board, District Supervisory Board, and District Disciplinary Court. Only legal advisors(lawyers) in Poland may be members of local government bodies.

The term of office of the self-government bodies lasts for three years, however, the bodies are obliged to act until the newly elected bodies are constituted. Members of the authorities may be revoked by the authority that has elected them. The same function in self-government bodies can not be exercised for more than two consecutive terms of office.


Self-government bodies may pass resolutions in the presence of at least half of the members of a given body.

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