Looking for ancestors from Greater Poland Voivodeship (Poznan)

Greater Poland and especially Poznan has its own archive - State Archives in Poznań, with its approximately 1.17 million archive units, holding unique and valuable historical sources depicting both the history of Poland and the development of European civilization. It contains registers of population from period 1870-1931. The archive was established by Presidency of Police in Poznań in 1870 and was maintain until 1932. It contains so far circa 600.000 of scanned documents which includes a list of surnames with link to scanned document.

If you are looking for a professional help of lawyers in Poland in finding your ancestors and related documents for any purpose, whether it is a private search or an inheritance proceedings, please contact our law firm here.


MFLegal - an office of polish lawyer provides advice on all legal issues, domestic and international for business or private activity.

Experienced in consulting individual and corporate clients in Poland, we focus on finding based on trust, innovative and high quality solutions. Don't hesitate and write to us! We kindly will supply you any needed information.